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Guiding Openings/Relaunches

   To open and run a restaurant business successfully, you need to be more than just a good cook. You need to have a good understanding of all aspects of the industry and what is required to succeed within it.

   No restaurant can survive on good cuisine alone or by merely appealing to a local target market. To be commercially viable, you need a strong unique selling proposition (USP) and create an experience around it, that customers fall in love with, tell others about and which gives the food press and bloggers a reason to want to promote you. Unique restaurant experiences become destinations that don’t need to rely solely on local patrons to survive.

Our services includes:

  • Research – local market immersion

  • Consumer trends

  • Competitive review

  • Customer insight

  • Sourcing suppliers

  • Commercial kitchen design and remodeling

  • Research/purchase kitchen equipment

  • Food production supervisor

  • Safe Methods Maintenance

  • Head chef recruitment and training

  • Staffing to include interviews and recruitment

  • Pre-launch team training

  • On-site team training

  • Training material

  • Operations handbooks

  • Performance monitoring tools

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